

I'm so very excited now, because America's Next Top Model is on tonight. It's become my horribly guilty pleasure. I've gotten Mr. Pants to watch a lot of reality shows with me, but he's more into the quality ones -- he's drawn the line somewhere just this side of my new favorite celebration of tiny-booty-hos.

Anyway, ANTM. (See, I'm in the know now, having watched all of the episodes this season. Screw you, old-skool watchers! I know this is season 4, and I may be a little late, but I can still use the acronym if I want to!) Tyra is so kewl, and Janice is somehow simultaneously a freakshow and my new role model. I'm not sure how that works, exactly. I'm waffling on who I'm rooting for right now -- see, it's become a big rooting-against fest for me. I guess... Go, Naima! Oh well -- au revoir, bitches!


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