
It's 3:00! Do you know where your fatback is?

I don't. That is, if I had any fatback I was supposed to be caring for.

It's been another day, here in way-too-hot central Texas... not that this is a novel observation, but they're keeping it so cold in this building that several of the women are using heaters. That's great, isn't it?

I found an online version of Lemmings last night, sitting home alone... it's in Dutch, and you need a really, really fast computer to play it. Man, I forgot just how addictive that game is! Added bonus - it runs so slow on the work computer, I get to plan out my moves without pausing. Rawk!

I didn't find it on my own... I found a fellow Austin blogger (she's been doing this a lot longer than me - it's a little pretentious for me to be all "fellow blogger", with a big ol' sneer all over my face and my middle pinky out for no particular reason)! I've been going through her archives today. (hope she won't mind me linking to her....)

Yes, I'm also getting a lot of work done. Shaddup.

Heading to the bookstore today to get some boston books... wish me luck!


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