Make new friends, but keep the old....
Had a great time last night. Sounds dirty, but isn't. Speaking in grunts.
A couple of weeks ago, my aunt called to tell me her friends' nephew was going to be/had possibly already moved to our fair burg, the AusTex. She said he'd be contacting us, at some point.
We rolled our eyes, said "right, some guy's going to call us out of the blue, and I'm sure he won't totally suck."
Guess what? Some guy emailed us out of the blue, and he didn't totally suck! We went to dinner last night at Din Ho, because he wanted Chinese. I think he may have been intimidated a little by all the roasted-ducks-with-heads-on -- as Mr. Pants said, Lew1s (yeah, that's his real name... I dare you to track him down!) wanted chinese, and we thought he meant Chinese, but he seemed to like it.
Then we drove over to get 40 or so ounces of beer at the Dog and Duck. (Yum to Guinness and Fat Tire!) He's still relatively new to town (has only been here three weeks) so it's neat to see everything being so new to him. I think I'm pretty jaded on Austin (says the girl who's never been to Barton Springs), so it's fun to have someone new to show around.
Plus, it'll be fun to have someone to call to hang out with. You gotta have a list of those people!
/end fangirl.
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