
Happy freakin' Monday!

Mr. Pants and I had a great weekend. A good friend from college came into town on Friday evening for one night; he works at STA now, and was in town for some kind of marketing training. We hadn't talked to him since we graduated, pretty much, so it was really fun to get caught up. Of course, this meant that we got home and went to bed at about 3 AM on Saturday; we're way too old for this shit, you know? I think I'm still recovering.

On Saturday night we rented A Day Without a Mexican, which was pretty interesting. (I would have linked to the movie's website, but it pops up a clip from the movie that just played really loudly. I wouldn't want to subject you to that.) The premise is that Californians wake up one morning, their state is surrounded by a weird pink fog, and all of the Mexicans (read: Hispanics) are gone without a trace. It's based on a 27 minute short. Neat premise; carried out fairly well, but still clunky. I give it a monkey on a scale of rat to elephant. (what? I can't make up my own grading scales now? Screw you.)



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