We rented the
Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou last night. I’m a big fan of Wes Anderson/Owen Wilson movies, and I did think this one was good. BUT, it felt a lot less accessible than Rushmore to me.
Dan Aykroyd was great, through. (Ha! I knew that was Bill Murray! Just yankin’ yr chain, folks.) And Owen was good, as usual in these movies. It did have that same strange feeling of disconnect that the rest of their movies have... like you’re watching, but you’re not sure if you care about the characters and what’s happening to them, but then you realize you do care, if only because they’re so clueless, but then something bad happens to them and you’re like, “So?” but you think about it a little more and you get all sad.
Or something.
I’m a little out of it right now... my boss, the head-of-the-department boss, is quitting effective tomorrow to leave for a much more lucrative job, so we took her out for lunch today to
Eastside Café. I had a nice time, though I clammed up around the largish group the way I always tend to. I had a giant-ass tuna sandwich, which was good but not great. I think I didn’t like it so much because the tuna was all cooked and stuff, and while some people may like their tuna that weird grayish hue, I prefer the deep ruby red of a beautiful piece of sashimi.
Where was I? Yes! So we went out to eat much earlier than I usually do (like 11:15!) and now I’m sleepy like I normally get closer to 7. But I don’t want any coffee because it’s been giving me strange tummy pains (I think). whoop.
I promised you yesterday the story of the lovable yet bumbling copy center guy, yes? Sounds like the setup for a really stupid sitcom that somehow reaches #1 for like 17 years and NEVER goes away until finally it gets just a little too bloated for its own good (I’m looking at YOU, Raymond!).
We bought 100 sheets of paper that we wanted turned into a fold-over agenda, like so:
Okay, my pretty picture I drew isn't working. Bastard. It's just a 8.5/11 sheet of paper, with pretty silver foil across the top, which we wanted to fold in half so the top met the bottom. On the front, we'd have some lettering, and then on the inside, we'd have the agenda. So, you have to print the outside upside-down, from the point of view of the inside. Capice?
First ( I assume) copyguy tries to set up the printer so it will print the whole thing, both sides (with opposite orientations) at the same time, without having to flip the paper himself so that the pretty foil top is in the correct position.
He manages to screw up 50 (yes, that’s HALF) of the paper sheets the first time through. Yup, prints 50 without checking to see if he's set the damn thing up right. Woot!
So, now he has to go the megaofficesupplymart to get more paper. I let him know where it is. 30 minutes later, he calls from far, far north of town to say he must have missed it, and where is it again? (He goes about 20 miles out of his way, all told.) I get him turned around and heading the right direction. He makes it back with the paper, whereupon he manages to print some wack-ass form on ALL of them, this time....
So, he has to go back to the store to get more of the pretty foil-top paper.
When he gets back, my boss takes the paper from him and gives it to me to run the copy job on our clinkety-clank teeny copier. It works, so we have the agenda for our dinner (that nobody shows up for anyway, as I said yesterday).
OK, that’s totally it for today. Please forgive me the abrupt ending. Kisses!