
hiddly dinky dinky dink, spiddly dinky doo.

It's been a while... in my defense, we were hella busy last weekend and then work this week has been wicked stoopid, and it's just been too much... wah, wah.
Had a great weekend with the inlawpantsers. Tried out new restaruants, went to see the Producers (loved, loved, loved), did a lotta shopping, and only fielded 327 questions from mr. inlawpants about when we're having a baby, shoudn't we be buying a house for the certainly-soon-to-be-here baby, have I given any thought to when my uterus might start to wither, et cetera. Sigh. And this was him being good about the level of questioning.
I made him pledge right after the wedding that he would give us one year before he started asking about bebes all the damn time... he didn't really stick with it, but that isn't stopping him from triumphantly crowing now that the year is over that he is, once more, free to ask thinly veiled questions about our sex life. Yurhghgh!
You'd think that the arrival of the nephlet would have sated his bebeappetite for a little while... but now, everyone (not just daddyinlaw.. also the bro-in-law and the fee-yawn-say) is asking us to provide a playmate for him.

I say, just enroll the kid in a baby networking program, but I guess that isn't good enough.

On an entirely unrelated note, we're having an all-staff meeting today at Workplace (tm Sundry -- I know I'm a thief, many apologies) to discuss the new assignment of duties since one girl who was doing the work of two left for a new job and TPTB are refusing to hire a new person to take over her duties. They're just going to redistribute it all. Everyone here had to fill out a checklist last week including everything we do all day and everything we've done in the last year (which is tough, as I've only been here 6 months) and turn it in to be analyzed.
I'm sure I'm about to get absolutely loaded down. I've already taken on a project from one person who's leaving that takes about an hour and a half at the beginning of each day to complete, and now I betcha I get at least one new ongoing project.

It's so great to have a job.


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