Go Dan! Go Steve!
Another great weekend... much visiting of farmer's markets, viewing the third installment of an increasingly bloated trilogy (as Douglas Adams would have said -- and by the way, did everyone have a good Towel Day?), eating of cattle parts with men of cattle (cattle-men?) outside of Luling, TX (don't ask) and watching of the tee-vee, as is our wont.
There’s been a show that the Food Network (our network of choice around the Pants household) has been hyping since Sisyphus first started heaving that rock called “The Next Food Network Star.” Of course, the term “star” has to be applied pretty loosely in this sense... FN doesn’t really churn out phenoms like, say, American Idol does. While I might squeee on seeing, say, Alton Brown shopping at our local megalomart, I don’t know if he’s a star on the same level as Michael Jackson. And a good thing, too.
So, we turn on this relentlessly hyped whore of a show last night, and the first installment is the choosing of the contestants. One contestant (actually two people, competing as one, unlike the rest of the group who are one competing as one) looks awfully familiar... and the name is familiar, too. A couple, named Dan and Steve, who’ve been catering for 7 years. I turn to Mr. Pants. “Is this ringing a bell with you, too?” Then, the show goes a little more in depth, telling us that these guys have a business in sunny Chicago, Illinois.
Man, you could have knocked me over with a feather. A very heavy feather, probably made of large rocks, but a feather nonetheless... these guys are the masterminds behind the Hearty Boys, the awesome catering gurus who catered our wedding last year in Chicago!
So, now we actually have a reality show we have to watch that we really have a sort of vested interest in. I’ve never been in this situation before. They weren’t the first guys kicked off, so yay so far! I’ll keep you updated.
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