
Bitchez, Snitchez, and Ho-Mas

I was just about to write a post about how it's been really busy in here, blah blah, but something much more interesting happened.
A lemon-faced mother came storming through here, dragging her (maybe) 7 year old stoic daughter, perhaps on the way up to the gifted office? Anyway, as she came through the door, mommie dearest was yelling "No it DIDN'T. It looked NICE. Now your hair looks RATTY and GROSS." My coworker, shocked, said "what's wrong?" and the mother said "I put her hair up this morning for school pictures and it looked BEAUTIFUL. She took it down and now it looks DISGUSTING and NASTY." I mean, this girl had truly pretty long wavy blond hair down to about midback! My coworker said "No, it looks very nice, what lovely hair!" But the mother continued to freak out on her child, how could you, you look like a nasty rat, how gross, do you know how you made me look? until the elevator doors closed behind her crazy ranting ass. We've just been sitting here with our mouths agape for like 5 minutes now. People are batshit crazy, you know?

Plus, the mom was the one whose hair looked like shit. I feel for that little girl -- she had obviously dealt with this for a while. Her face was completely blank. I know that look way too well. Jesus.


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