

So, my lovely auntie in DC sent me an invite to Gmail in April, and I signed myself up. I know I'm late on the bandwagon. Anyway, I now heart Gmail. It's totally awesome in it's freeness and level of storage (2200 MB right now, and counting). I converted Mr. Pants as well, and he's now spreading the gospel to everyone we know. (If anyone wants an invite, he's got 49 now... I have zilch. Fuckers.)
The other day, he sent an invite to a good friend of ours, but because he's 12 (not really -- what do you think I am?), he filled in the contact information "Penis [lastname]". That was it.
Anyway, our good friend Penis accepted the invite, and Mr. Pants got this email in his inbox:

Penis [lastname] has accepted your invitation to Gmail and has chosen the brand new address **********@gmail.com. Be one of the first to email Penis at this new Gmail address--just hit reply and send Penis a message. ********@gmail.com has also been automatically added to your contact list so you can stay in touch with Gmail.


The Gmail Team

HAHAHAHAHA! I think that's the most awesome thing I've seen this week.
Yes, I'm 26. Why do you ask?


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