Wine notes
Mr. Pants and I went to Whole Foods on Saturday (not the crazysexycool downtown one, but the older one up by us) to get some stuff for dinner. They were tasting this Faux Frog Chardonnay that was not bad -- and only $7.99 a bottle, so we decided to get it. Got it home and it was corked... Crap. We don't know if this has been happening to us more lately, or if it's just that we can tell now. Of course, it seems so obvious now when the wine's corked -- it smells so stongly of wet cardboard that it's pretty clear -- so it's hard for me to believe that we used to just not know.
Anyway, we took it back to Whole Foods yesterday to exchange it for another one, hopefully uncorked, and explained our predicament to the helpful young'un behind the counter. "We bought this wine yesterday, and it was corked." "Oh," she says, "it was already open?"
No. But she let us return it anyway. I don't want to poke much fun, because it's not like she was dumb, just didn't know wine terminology... but it would be pretty funny if we bought a bottle of wine at the store, got home, and noticed "Shit, this here wine's already done been opened! Huh!"
Dangit... I didn't mean to sound snooty, that was the whole point. She did let us return it, after all. Plus, it is pretty funny that her first thought was that it had already been opened.
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