
Jealousy... da da da da do dee dee

Title with apologies to the killers..
Overall, I've been pretty shitty about keeping in touch with friends from college. I only graduated four years ago, but I think the number of people from school I talk to regularly hovers around 5, and one of those is my husband.
He called me at work today and told me to check out this blog, so I did, because if there's one thing I'm good at it's following directions. I just about fell out of my chair when I saw the picture off to the left... that's Tiffany! We got arrested with her freshman year of college! (That's a story for another time.) I had to go to state-mandated AA, and we went together! (see above.) We used to hang out several times a week in college. After graduation, she moved to Singapore for six months with her then-boyfriend. She came through Austin once, must have been almost three years ago, and we went out for margaritas. Before we got married last year, we tried to track her down, but the closest we got was "She's gone to Japan to teach." So, what a great callback to school.
Man, I'm glad she's doing well (aside from almost chopping off her thumb... but who needs thumbs, anyway?), but I'm so jealous I'm quivering... it's so awesome that she just went for it, you know? SE Asia just seems so different and amazing... I wanna go so bad! (/whine)
Mr. Pants and I have been talking about getting our asses in gear - he wants to apply to cooking schools in Italy. Reading Tiff's blog just makes me want to make that happen that much sooner... if she can do it, we can too! (cue triumphant trumpets.)
So, check her blog out... pretty interesting. Although if you have a weak stomach, you might want to skip past the post about hacking her thumb to bits.


Blogger Girliepants said...

Heh... Thanks, auntie. I'll definitely tell the whole story one of these days, when I'm not blogging from work and have some time. Oh, and I changed the notation so that we're not in Europe. Thanks for commenting!

5/09/2005 9:34 AM  

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