
The Three CoinciTenors

Actually coincidences. Though CoinciTenors would be a good band name. Or not.

There were three strange coincidences around the accident described below.
  1. The woman who hit me (TWWHM) has the same name as my birth mother and was born in the same year.
  2. TWWHM lives in the same apartment complex I do -- her building is only 4 away from mine. The accident was 6 miles away from our house, so not particularly close.
  3. TWWHM and I were wearing matching outfits yesterday; we were both in black T-shirts and jeans.
do dee do do do dee do do (imagine a .wav file playing the Twilight Zone music. I can't do everything around here, people -- work with me!)

Her insurance person still hasn't called me back. Beyotch.


Blogger Girliepants said...

Why yes, dear auntie, howdja know? It's my middle finger too... wanna see? (joke-- but it really is my middle finger.) I'm going to use some birthday money to get a manipedi and knock the rest of my nails down approximately to size.

5/25/2005 2:23 PM  

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