
Dance, too much booty in the pants!

YAY! I just got off the phone with F@rmers, and they said that their insured was found 100% (not 92, not 37.8) responsible for the accident, and they're accepting all liability. Man! I feel like I just took about 2 Valiums (Valia?) and a Soma. (Except I'm not asleep. Or puking.) Talk about restoring my faith in humanity. She didn't lie!
Now the only question is whether they'll cover the entire cost of the rental Imp@la (without 20 inch rims), which I've had since Monday. They should, since we rented the car after we took my little jellybean into the shop, but there is some question since we're unsure whether my car is driveable.
Unfortunately, I suppose, I'm not allowed to be the judge of whether my car's driveable. To me, the fact that it spun around at something like 60 miles an hour means it should probably be checked out before I go making any sudden moves in it; plus, the wheel well is kinda jammed down pretty close to the tire (which you can sort of see in last night's pictures). But it's possible that F@rmer's might say "You're such a fraidy-cat" and refuse to pay for the rental except during the time my car's actually being worked on. I mean, it would be terrific if the only things that need doing are a tire-balancing and a bumper-popping-out, but what if there's an alignment problem that could be made much worse if I go traipsing around town in it? I think if I feel unsafe in my car because of something their insured did, then it's their job to pay for my replacement transportation until my vehicle's fixed.
Darn tootin'.
So now I have to hang around and wait for the final adjustor (sounds like what a cult of actuaries would call god) to call me and set up an appointment to go take a peek at my car. That should be by Friday, with any luck. I'll keep friedpants here updated.
Woo! Dance Dance Dance!


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