Paper or cardboard?
DAMNIT! I wrote a whole post, and then the freakin puter froze up... HATE. I'll try to recreate...
So, Monday is our first anniversary, unbelievably... it's gone by totally quickly (cliche, but true, so shaddup). We have reservations tonight to go to Zoot, which I'm really excited about -- it's going to be our first real fine dining experience, and I think the first time in my life I'll get to order a tasting menu! They even have a vegetarian tasting menu for Mr. Pants, which is apparently pretty unusual in Austin restaurants.
This is probably going to be my last post until Tuesday, because the in-laws are coming in tomorrow... this means frantic cleaning in the morning, which means getting out of bed early. Crap. I'm still excited about their coming into town... we always have such a great time with them. Plus, they want to go babyshopping for the nephlet, so we get to look at teeny pants, which is always adorable and hysterical. Mr. Pants thinks I have horrible taste in baby clothes... I tend to gravitate towards the Urkel side of the spectrum, because I think sweater vests are hysterical on bebes. The best EVER baby t-shirts, though? Are here.
Let's see... we rented the best movie last night! It was a Japanese animated kid's movie (shut up, it RULED) called Spirited Away. (Linked to the Aussie website, cause it's good.) It was sweet, beautiful to watch, and had a really engrossing storyline. I highly, highly recommend it... but I will say, them japanese can be strange sometimes. But really, go rent that movie, if you haven't seen it already!
I think that's about it for now... getting really close to 3:45, which is when we close today for the holiday weekend. wooo. Not to bitch, but it would have been really nice to get out around lunchtime today... half of the office wasn't here, and we were getting barely any calls. Oh well... it was quiet, and we got paid, so I should pretty much just shut the hell up, right?
Have a happy holiday weekend! Think of the soldiers while you're shopping... they're doing something I could never in a million billion years imagine myself doing, and I appreciate them for it. (But I won't put a stupid magnet on my car to show that I think of them more than you do, on account of I'm not a self-righteous snootypants. Check out the new item in my sidebar -- isn't that GREAT?)
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