
HiHo, HiHo, We Lost Pinnochio

I hate being here at work when all I can think about is whether TWWHM (see yesterday's post) is lying to her insurance company RIGHT THIS MINUTE. I've realized that it's in her best interest to lie to he insurance company, which isn't a feeling that's settling really well. She hasn't called her insurance folks yet to give her recorded statement.
I always thought that when you called the cops out to the site of an accident, they were supposed to take down what happened, assess blame, and write tickets. Our cops didn't do that. In fact, they kept telling us that we should have just gotten our cars off the interstate, but then they'd look at me and say "well, of course yours was facing the wrong way, that's dangerous." But all in all, they acted like they weren't even sure why we called them. All they did was give us little sheets of paper on which to fill out our information. They did give us one of their badge numbers, I guess if we need to look them up later?
Since there weren't any witnesses, or at least weren't any that pulled over to let us know that they saw what happened, it's pretty much a case of her word vs. mine. I've been told that it's good for me that my car was damaged in the rear and hers in the front, because in general that looks like it was her fault. But I don't know. She could say that she was already in the lane, or something, and then I'd be SOL.
Since she lives in the same complex as me, I think I'll give her one more day to call her folks and then I'll go camp out in front of her door. I hate this. I mean, aren't I having a great time?


Blogger Girliepants said...

Yay! They did! (See above.)

5/25/2005 2:27 PM  

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